Open access | Geomorphologic landslide inventory by air photo interpretation of the High Agri Valley (Southern Italy)

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GEOCORSI E-learning

Published: 27 Jun 2021

Geomorphologic landslide inventory by air photo interpretation of the High Agri Valley (Southern Italy)

F. Bucci, M. Santangelo, F. Fiorucci, F. Ardizzone, D. Giordan, M. Cignetti, D. Notti, P. Allasia, D. Godone, D. Lagomarsino, A. Pozzoli, E. Norelli & M. Cardinali (2021) Journal of Maps, DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2021.1943552

Landslide inventories
provide the knowledge basis for many geomorphological applications and also planning and emergency management. Detailed landslide inventories should also be prepared where pre-existing inventories are available, as knowledge updates. In this paper, we present a new geomorphological landslide inventory for an area of the High Agri Valley, Southern Italian Apennines. The map was prepared through systematic interpretation of historical aerial photographs testing extensive use of anaglyph glasses in StereoPhoto Maker freeware. A total of 2124 landslides were classified based on the type of movement, estimated depth, estimated relative age and three levels of uncertainty, providing landslide attributes and map constraints useful for land planning and hazard studies. The map also documents the relationships between landslides and fluvial landforms of different generations, recording important information to investigate the geomorphological evolution of the area further. We expect that landslide mapping in similar environments will benefit from the workflow here presented.


© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
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