The Strait of Messina: Seismotectonics and the source of the 1908 earthquake

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GEOCORSI E-learning

Review article | Available online 18 May 2021

G. Barreca, F. Gross, L. Scarfì, M. Aloisi, C. Monaco, S. Krastel,

The Strait of Messina: Seismotectonics and the source of the 1908 earthquake

Earth-Science Reviews, Volume 218, 2021, 103685, ISSN 0012-8252, ( 


• High-resolution marine seismic data provide evidence for surface faulting in the Messina Strait.
• An active, previously unmapped 34.5 km-long extensional fault has deformed the seafloor.
• A low-angle, foreland-dipping discontinuity is evidenced by 3D-positioning of earthquakes.
• Stress perturbation on the deeper discontinuity is accounted to transfer additional stress on the overlying brittle faults.
• Results allow us questioning most of the previous models concerning the 1908 seismogenic source.

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