Di seguito un elenco, non esaustivo, di software liberi o di pubblico dominio, per la modellazione delle acque sotterranee:
MODFLOW (USGS) - 3D finite difference, saturated flow
SUTRA (USGS) - 2D/3D finite element, sat/unsat, variable density flow, transport, heat
VS2DI (USGS) - 2D finite difference, unsat flow & transport, heat flow
MT3DMS (University of Alabama) - 3D transport model to MODFLOW
PHAST (USGS) - 3D multicomponent, reactive transport (constant density flow and temperature)
RT3D (Pacific Northwest Laboratory) - MT3DMS + multispecies reactions
TOUGH (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)- 3D multiphase/unsat flow & transport
PFLOTRAN (various US national laboratories) - 3D subsurface flow and reactive transport, unsat/sat, multiphase, porous/fracture, thermo-hydro-chemical
IGW (Interactive Ground Water, Michigan State Univ.) - integrated flow & transport
ParFLOW (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) - 3D large grid flow
OpenGeoSys - 3D multiphase flow & transport & geochemistry
IWFM (Ca. DWR) - 3D finite element groundwater & surface water flow model
IDC (Ca. DWR) - water demand, pumping, and recharge calculator for use with groundwater models
Lizza-PAKP and WODASOLVER - groundwater modeling software and GUI
Software libero per la modellazione delle acque sotterranee