Prediction of tunnelling-induced effects on a historic building in Rome

tunnel lazio interazione suolo-fondazione cedimenti analisi numerica ingegneria geotecnica tunnelling

GEOCORSI E-learning

Available online 11 October 2021

Salvatore Miliziano, Simone Caponi, David Carlaccini, Armando de Lillis,

Prediction of tunnelling-induced effects on a historic building in Rome

Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Volume 119, 2022, 104212, ISSN 0886-7798,
(Prediction of tunnelling-induced effects on a historic building in Rome - ScienceDirect)


  • Class A predictions of the excavation of a three-tunnel station are presented.
  • The tunnels interact with a historic masonry building under very low covers.
  • The developed 3D model accounts for the most influential features of the problem.
  • Due to the protective measures implemented the expected damage is negligible.
  • A comparison with a simpler approach is provided.


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